Friday, May 21, 2010

Questions about Rose hair Tarantula Behavior?

I am one of the caretakers of a Rose Hair Tarantula and it has done soemthing we know nothing of. We have a half log hut in the terrarium and s/he has burrowed her/himslef into it. there is webbing around both ends of the hut there and it seems that she can't get out....We dont know that she can't but either way, is this normal behavior for a tarantula, particularly a rose hair? i know nothing of tarantulas. Please help! any and ALL advice/info relating to this and other behviors of the tarantula is GREATLY appreciated. thanks in advance!

Questions about Rose hair Tarantula Behavior?
They normally do that right before they molt or lay an egg sac. Most rose hairs sold in pet stores are wild caught, so it could even be gravid.

Do you have crickets in there? Tarantulas can get annoyed by excessive food items hopping around all the time, so another option may be that it has set up the webbing to get away from the crickets. In general, it's best to only feed 3-4 crickets once a week and to remove any uneaten prey the next day.

Here's a great care sheet that would be good for you to read through..

That one's actually put together by tarantula experts. Some of the common mistakes new tarantula owners make are 1. Misting a rose hair. Rose hairs are from arid climates and will not in general like being misted at all. 2. Not providing a water dish. Tarantulas need to be able to drink water when they want to. A tarantula will not drown in it's water dish! Just use a shallow one like the kind sold for reptiles without a sponge in it. Sponges can harbor bacteria and inhibit your tarantula from getting a drink.

Leave your tarantula alone. If she was eating fine before, it wouldn't be unusual for it to fast for several months even. If you see it flipped on it's back, do not disturb it. They will flip on their backs to molt. The molting process can take several hours! So, don't get impatient and disturb it.
Reply:She may be trying to burrow in for the winter- how warm is your house? They also tend to go into protective mode (finding a safe place) if they are about to shed.

Also, it is normal for them to spin webs- my friend's would make herself houses of webs and usually lived in them.

Don't worry, your spider can cut through it's own webs if it wants to.

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