Saturday, November 14, 2009

Rose water......?

so wat exactly is rose water?

is it water with rose petals?

I'm wondering because on this website it says :

" Steam your face once a week for 3 to 4 minutes to open up the pores. Squeeze the blackheads out gently using cotton pads dipped in astringent or clean tissue. You may also use blackhead strips. If the blackheads strips are used directly without steaming, the size of the pores will increase every time they are used, causing more blackheads. To close the pores, rub an icecube made of rosewater on the pores. "

Would it work the same with just ice.

Rose water......?
Rosewater is decadent and smells good..but i dont think it really will do a better job than a regular ice cube or ice cold water splashed on the face (to close pores). it supposedly induces blood flow..but an ice cube is fine.
Reply:The rose extract is a soothing ingredient. It relieves irritation and removes reddness from your skin.
Reply:Rose water is mainly water with rose petals warmed a certain way and then strained. You can buy it at health food stores but I don' think that it's really that great that you can't just use an ice cube.

Hope this helps!!!!!

plant gifts

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